Saturday, July 01, 2006

Watching ME in MTC : Self-Evaluation of a Videotaped Lesson

This was very bizarre, the last time I'd seen myself on tape was when I was 12. Overall, the lesson went well, and I guess overall I was pleased with my own performance, but for me it definitely IS a performance so I think that's why it was so weird to watch it and break it down. I am blissfully and UTTERLY unaware of my "audience" about 98% of the time while I'm teaching so then to suddenly be merely a passive observer of my own lesson ...

I need to stop pushing my hair behind my ears so much.

I need to be MUCH MORE AWARE of ALL the little things that are going on in my class around me.

I'm good at giving out warnings without leaving room for argument and without missing a beat in what I'm saying.

I'm very open and approachable/helpful when the students are doing individual work.

I need to develop a much better sense of how long I need to allow my students and myself to accomplish specific tasks (not to stick to religiously, but to have a general idea).

I need to a) learn to be more aware of my vocabulary (too big words AND too-casual things like "you know" and occasionally even "you guys"!) and b) learn to give much clearer definitions or restatements when I am not going to omit words my students may not understand.

I need to plan for some students to finish earlier than others and have work prepared for them!

I need to understand that my role is that of a facilitator, and create many more opportunities for my students to take ownership of the subject matter.

I need to keep teaching, keep improving, and keep trying. And keep listening to all of the adivce and feedback I receive about my teaching.


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