Sunday, August 06, 2006

And so it begins

"So the students arrive in T-minus two days and counting."

With this abundantly reassuring observation one of my three assigned mentor teahcers soothed me on our way to staff lunch at Picadilly cafeteria on Friday. T-minus two days.
And counting.

No students means no discipline problems, no names to recall on command, no irate parents, no papers to grade, no duty schedule, no detention, but somehow I feel like today was my first day as a teacher, as in THIS is what I'm going to be doing for the next six months (give or take) and THIS is, likely, how busy those six months will be.

Saturday Schedule:
6:31 AM -- Alarm goes off. Already awake and typing up an info sheet for the first day of school (stolen in large part from Mr. Sweeney)
7:20 AM -- stop typing up info sheet, get ready
7:50 AM -- waste fifteen minutes realizing once again that I REALLY NEED to buy some "teacher clothes"
8:40 AM -- arrive at my school only to realize that the orientation that was scheduled for nine actually began at 8:30 so I've already missed introductions
9:15 AM -- walk students around the school, shuttle messages back and forth between teachers, meet and greet, and finally get back to the apartment. change.
11AM-2:30 PM -- teacher resource center checking out cute templates+figuring out how to get my info on them, finding the color printer, laminator, and cutout machines, and slowly realizing how much more I will always need to get done
3:15 PM -- back at the school, where apporximately the first 22 people I run into explain to me that I have a visitor. Ms. Adobe's come to call, and to help me out, and that's pretty awesome.
3:30-8PM -- eat, work in the classroom on cleaning, bulletin boards, copying, getting rid of what I can, attempting to organize what I can't, and coming to accpet that I won't get it all done. Not before monday. Ms. Adobe is an invaluable asset.
School is locked at 8 PM , the mall closes at 9, and I need teacher clothes.
8:05PM - Accompanied by Ms. Adobe, who unfortunately has a less-than-stellar fashion sense (note my colleagues -- feel free to place the blame where it is due if my wardrobe is lacking in any way) I take the Sears women's department by storm, convincing a disgruntled cashier to check me out just after closing. Paychecks come on the 31st ...
9:30 PM -- to Wal Mart to get school supplies to distribute at cost to students. The next 2 hrs begin to degenerate, but we make it out alive and in good spirits with food, supplies, and even some teachers shoes. FORGET to use my teacher discount. Paychecks come on the 31st ...
12:30 AM -- turn on the gas stove, eat frozen pizza on the living floor (hardwood), then fall asleep on it around 1 AM in the midst of making lists of things I'm going to get done tonight before I get to bed.
2:30 AM -- relocate to the bed
5:50 AM -- wake up wishing to heaven I hadn't wasted so much time asleep. blog, and get back to work. School opens at ten.


Blogger Ben Guest said...

I've watched you get ready for the past two months. You will be fine. You are ready.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Pocahontas said...

I would like to point out that Ms. Might Could Marshwater wouldn't listen to a word that Ms. Adobe said with regards to fashion choices, so who really deserves the blame for that blazer?

7:32 PM  

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